Friday, March 18, 2016

creepy drawing I did using grey paper and black and white charcoal. This is actually a drawing from last semester I did when I as was bored haha.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

This is my completed self-portrait illustration. I created the self-portrait using adobe illustration with the pen tool. At first I was very confused on how to use the pen tool but after a week of failing and never giving up, I managed to finally get the hang of it. The self portrait took me a total of 3 weeks at least.
 Old illustration I did last month for valentines day. This was my first practice with adobe illustrator using the pen tool. At first I struggled with using the pen tool and creating shapes but after a lot of frustration and practice I managed to create 12 hearts.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

This is a  quick sketch i did on my desk in history. Im usually bored in that class so I decided to draw. Of course I had to draw a face, I added tears to make it more dramatic. But I added the tears to depuct the sadness I felt of not being in bed sleeping.
I took this photo of my friend with my phone. I used the photo editing app called 'vsco cam'. The setting is a field of an abandoned park. I had to get down on the ground to get the lighting just right. Since the sun is behind the subject the original is a bit darer. With the app I increased the brightness to see the subject clearer.